Sunday 19 June 2016

Weekly Reminder

Image result for school party

On Wednesday MP2 will have our end of year party. The party will begin at 13:00 and the class reps are helping to organise food. If you have food in the morning that needs to keep cool please use the fridges in the canteen. If you would like to bring in a change of clothing for the party feel free to do so.

Friday Morning

Image result for hive board game

On Friday morning, after the masters of learning assembly, we will be having some time to play some board games. If you would like to you may bring in a board game from home or some Lego. Please do not bring in any electronic devices. Please remember that the school day finishes at 11:30 so makes sure you are collected on time. 

Thursday 9 June 2016

Old Saigon Trip

We had a great time comparing old photos of Saigon with how the centre of Ho Chi Minh City now looks. Here are a few pictures from the trip. For more information and pictures, check the BIS hub that is published later today.

Weekly Reminder

TX Olympics

Next week will be the TX Olympics! This will take place for Year 4 on Tuesday. Wear your PE kit into school and bring your swimming kit too.

There will be no PE on Monday or swimming on Friday to accommodate the timetable for other year groups.

Open Afternoon

On Thursday (16th) TX will have an 'open afternoon'. Your parents are invited to come in to school and look at what you have been learning over the year. You can share your books and other work.

This is also a good opportunity for you and your parents to visit your Year 5 teacher for next year.

Friday 3 June 2016

Weekly Reminder

A few changes to our normal activities next week:

The Summer music concert is on Wednesday evening and all children performing need to be in school by 17:30. Also there will be extra rehearsals on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday during the school day. If you bring an instrument to school please remember to bring it on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

PE/Swimming Swap

There will be no PE on Monday as the stage is up in the hall. Instead you will have swimming. Bring your swimming kit on Monday and bring your PE kit on Friday.

Field trip

We will be going on a trip around the city centre on Thursday morning. Make sure you are at school on time and have you water bottles and hats that day.


The library will be closed from Monday 13th June until the end of term. All library books must be returned by Friday 10th. Have a good look around at home to make sure that you don't have any lurking in the corner!

Sunday 15 May 2016




Complete 15- 20 minutes of reading every night and ask an adult to sign your diary. 

Please complete the sheet on paragraphing in your homework book. 

Please complete the sheet in your homework book. 

Watch the video 'Fantastic Foamy Fountain' found here

Foam is not a solid or a liquid. It is called a 'colloid' as it has properties of both solids and liquids.

1. Can you observe and name these properties?
2. What other substances can you think of that also have features of both the states of matter?

Write a blog post about what you have learnt about colloids. Include in your post pictures of examples of colloids.

Friday 13 May 2016

Star of the Week and Updates

Star of the Week

Our Star of the Week is Mei. She has excelled in learning English and has made great progress this year. Well done to her!

Weekly notices:

First of all great news from Mr Mike. On Wednesday his daughter, Joanne was born. The whole Martin family are very happy and healthy. Ms Emma will cover the class until Wednesday, whilst Mr Mike is on paternity leave.

Next week we'll be completing some assessments of your learning so far this year. Please make sure you are at school on time so that you don't miss or disrupt any tests.


The Primary FOBISIA Games are being hosted by BIS HCMC this year. As a result, there will be no school for MP2 and MP3 on Friday (20th) as the teachers are required to help with the events that day.

Have a great weekend!