Sunday, 30 August 2015

Parent's Information Evening

Dear Parents, 

This Thursday at 6:30pm TX will have its annual parent's information evening. All parents are invited to come and find out about the curriculum and routines that are taught here at TX. It will begin in the gym at 6:30pm and then there will be a short presentation by the teachers in the classrooms. It is an opportunity for all parents to meet the new teacher and learn of their expectations this year. I hope to see you all there.  

Friday, 28 August 2015

Buddy Class


Today 4T spent time helping their buddies in 2T. 2T had been creating a suitcase to show their travels during the holiday and I was so impressed by how caring 4T were when helping them. It was a great start to the year and I know we will be learning together much more as the year goes by.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Weekly Reminder

Well the end has come to our first week of school. We have spent time getting to know each other and I am sure that we are all ready to start next week with perseverance and determination to reach our targets and be great learners.

Next week on Monday PE lessons will begin so please remember to come to school wearing your kit ready to learn PE. Please don't forget to pack your school uniform and shoes in your bag so that you can get changed after the lesson.

Next Wednesday is a public holiday in Vietnam and so there is no school on that day. Have a rest or finish any homework off that you have yet to do.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

High Rise Maths

The teams were busy today and even though the towers were not massive the children all learned some new language and had fun. 


First Day


Today was a great first day back. Hopefully the new reading diaries will arrive tomorrow and we can organise all that wonderful reading we are going to do this year. Well done 4T I will see you all tomorrow. 

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Welcome Back

Hello 4T! This is the first post of what I'm sure is going to be the best year ever. This first term we will be writing stories, acting plays, going on adventures and lots more. The work is going to be challenging for everyone but I know everyone will do their best and have fun too.

We are going to be beginning the year by remembering how our the TX special animals help us to become amazing learners. With their help, and all your hard work, I know that everyone will achieve their best. Before the year begins and we get stuck into the challenging learning, think about the questions below. 

Imagine you are at the end of Year 4 and you have achieved everything you wanted to during the year. What did you achieve? How do you feel? What can you and I do to make sure you become the person you imagine yourself to be?

I will be explaining all about this in class when I see you and I can't wait.