Saturday, 24 October 2015

Milepost 2 Production Cinderella

Milepost 2 will be performing Cinderella & Rockerfella this term. The auditions will take place on Thursday during the milepost assembly. All of the words for the audition will need to be learned and ready to perform. Everything you need can be found in this folder. Please remember to log into your gmail account. You will no be able to access the folder without logging in.

Please let the teachers know which roles you would like to be considered for after you have looked at the cast list in the folder.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Heart Rate Investigation

To end the Science topic ‘Moving and Growing’, on Tuesday 4T planned, carried out and evaluated an investigation on what happens to our heart rate as we exercise. The children worked in pairs to investigate, with the roles of ‘skipper’ and ‘timer’. The skipper had to skip for 5 minutes and take their pulse for 15 seconds after every one minute of skipping. In this practical activity the children explored how their bodies work and concluded that as you exercise your heart beats faster to carry oxygen to your muscles.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Weekly Reminder

Next week is the last week of the half term. All clubs are continuing as normal. Friday is a normal school day and we will finish at 2:30pm if you have no clubs and 3:40 if you Vietnamese or another club.

On Monday Mr Ali will be holding house competitions during your PE lesson. Please come to school wearing your normal PE shorts and trainers but wear your house t-shirt instead.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Weekly Reminder

All next week at TX we are celebrating The Big Draw! Join in the drawing challenge everyday, earn stickers and enjoy having a doodle!